Recording Acoustic Guitar? – check out the Microtech Gefell M295 cardoid FET condenser Mic!

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Microtech Gefell produces microphones of the highest caliber and is held in high esteem by recording professionals all over the world. The original company was founded by Georg Neumann in 1928 and after WWII and the division into Eastern and Western Germany was renamed Microtech Gefell, while in West Germany the company continued under the Neumann name. However, Neumann has since been acquired by Sennheiser and many today believe that current (and previous) output by Microtech Gefell is closer in quality to vintage Neumann mics.

The Microtech Gefell M295 cardoid FET condenser Mic is ideal for close miking of solo instruments, especially Acoustic Guitar:

The M925 is corrected for near and mid field recording, and is characterized with a virtually linear upper stratum with only a very slight presence-rise, while the low-frequency content is naturally attenuated to compensate for proximity-build. This makes the M295 particularly well suited for close mic?ing of solo instruments where the most natural rendering is desired.”

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Give us a call and rent the M295 for your next recording project.

You will be pleasantly surprised how excellent it is!